Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome to the pack

Moonsong Chinooks is very excited that Tullibardine Red Sparkle and Tullibardine T-Bone Walker have joined the pack. T-Bone and Sparkle come from Tullibardine/Atholl Chinooks in Manitoba Canada. Sparkle is a proven producer and both she and T-Bone will add some diversity to the Northwest Chinook population. Both are very sweet, loving dogs that snuggle with people and are good with other dogs. T-Bone thinks everyone is his best friend. Sparkle is a little more distinguished about her affection, she makes you earn it.
This is the first day of our trip coming home after picking up T-Bone and Sparkle from an acquaintance in North Dakota. Karne Hinchy and Maria Sommer were kind enough to get the dogs from Manitoba and drop off my two new additions on their way back to New England, saving me a lot of extra travel!! My friend Marlene and I headed over. T-Bone was nervous about the car ride and VERY nervous about going into the hotel room but, as you can see, it was not too long before they settled right in. I always carry a duvet cover when traveling with dogs to keep beds clean!
Sacked out after a tough day of traveling
T-Bone meets my Water Spaniel, Faethe. Yes, T-Bone, that mop is actually a dog. He was quite taken aback but then in love as she was just out of season
My Saluki pup thinks Sparkle is quite pretty and tries to engage her in play. She was also quite taken with him. T-Bone is right behind them- he had no problems with my unneutered boys, even when they played with Sparkle- Good Boy!
Sparkle turned her attention to play with my younger girls
Tired out after a day of play. Sparkle spent a few weeks at my house while she went through a heat cycle but has now gone to stay with my friend Marlene for a few weeks to get some one on one time and to get used to a more urban environment. I have a number of dogs and wanted to give sparkle some time in a home where she can get some individual attention while she adjusts to the culture shock- from nowhere Manitoba to Seattle.
Sparkle is naked but looking fit after a few weeks of running with the pack
T-Bone and his current housemate Havana. T-Bone is staying with fellow Chinook owner Anja to also get some more individual time. Anja lives right in the city so it is great exposure for T-Bone who likes everyone but is weirded out by groups of people walking quickly towards him on the street. After a month or so, T-Bone will come back to the Moonsong pack to stay.
Anja, T-Bone(on her lap) and Havana after doing the Seattle Dog Walk for charity. Good socializing AND a good cause.
Resting in the park

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